Injectable Male & Female Health

Why You Should Get Hormone Therapy in New Port Richey, FL

Integrated Medical Center of Florida, provides hormone therapy for men and women to reverse symptoms and reduce health risks of hormone imbalance.

Slows down some signs of aging – Hormone therapy can increase strength and endurance, giving you more energy and allowing you to live to your full potential. Say goodbye to chronic fatigue and low energy levels.

Boosts mood – Hormone therapy can reduce mild depression, stress, anxiety, mood swings, and low self-esteem.

Improves sleep quality – Hormone therapy relieves hormone-induced sleep problems and allows you to sleep more regularly.

Improves short-term memory – Hormone therapy can enhance cognitive function, mental clarity, and short-term memory.

Reduces body fat and increases lean muscle mass – Hormone therapy increases your body’s metabolism, boosting fat-burning capabilities and helping you build lean muscle.

Revitalizes sexuality – A balanced hormone level can improve libido and sexual performance and help with erectile dysfunction issues in men.

Combats osteoporosis – Hormone therapy helps increase bone density, reducing fracture risk and preventing osteoporosis.

How Does Hormone Therapy Work?

Hormone Therapy at Integrated Medical Center of Florida, offers various hormone therapy plans depending on your medical history, symptoms, and health goals.

Hormone Therapy for Men

Men can experience symptoms when suffering from testosterone deficiency, including fatigue, mental acuity, erectile dysfunction, and loss of libido.

The goal of hormone therapy for men is to replenish their depleted hormones caused by aging. Testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH) are essential for a man’s strength, vitality, and sexual wellness.

Hormone Therapy for Women

We offer medically-supervised hormone therapy for women. Hormone therapy typically replaces estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, three major reproductive hormones.

Menopause symptoms, bone density, restored sleep patterns, improved performance, depression, mood swings, anxiety, and mood swing relief are some benefits women can get from this.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormones are derived from plants and are duplicates of the hormones produced by a woman’s body, so they are the safest and most effective way to treat symptoms of age-related hormone decline.

The body can metabolize bioidentical hormones much faster and with fewer risks and side effects since they are chemically compatible. In New Port Richey, we offer various options for bioidentical hormones, such as topical creams, injections, pills, and pellets.

Andropause Treatment

Low testosterone causes “male menopause” or andropause in men. Integrated Medical Center of Florida’s andropause treatment is for men to combat signs and symptoms of hormone decline.

It involves replacing testosterone in the blood, which may relieve signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance caused by aging.

Menopause Treatment

Menopause reduces women’s quality of life. Menopause treatment involves replacing hormones in the body, which may relieve signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance caused by aging.

Our customized treatment programs ensure that the right treatment fits each individual’s symptoms, lifestyle, and goals for menopause treatment for women.

Growth Hormone Peptides Therapy

The human growth hormone (HGH) regulates growth metabolism. As your HGH levels decline, your body’s ability to repair and grow declines, and you can’t repair and grow as you did in your 20s.

Enter Integrated Medical Center of Florida’s growth hormone peptides therapy. Our HGH therapy uses peptides that are secretagogues that naturally enhance and stimulate your body’s HGH production. Growth hormone therapy will significantly diminish the harmful effects of aging over the next few weeks.

Hormone Pellets Therapy

Although oral hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is more popular, hormone pellets are a great alternative because of their convenience. Hormone pellet therapy in New Port Richey involves inserting small pellets under the skin (subcutaneous fat).

They are tiny, similar to rice grains, but deliver hormones consistently. Once the pellets are fully dissolved, we can customize another hormone pellet depending on your needs.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Men’s testosterone levels decline as they age. By the time they reach 35, testosterone levels can decline by 1 to 2% annually.

Men suffering from age-related testosterone loss can benefit from our testosterone replacement therapy programs, which are proven safe and effective methods of dealing with those problems.

Using hormone therapy can help restore your body’s proper hormone levels, restoring vitality. Our hormone specialists will help you choose from our wide array of hormone therapy regimens.