Let’s Make You Better

What Are Cervicogenic Headaches?

Headaches are a very common problem that can have multiple causes ranging from stress to trauma.  To make matters worse, there are MANY different types of headaches. One such type is the “cervicogenic headache” (others include migraines, cluster headaches, etc.).

The main distinction between the symptoms associated with cervicogenic headaches and those associated with migraine headaches are a lack of nausea, vomiting, aura (a pre-headache warning that a headache is about to strike), light and noise sensitivity, increased tearing with red eyes, one-sided head, neck, shoulder, and/or arm pain, and dizziness. The items listed above are primarily found in migraine headache sufferers.   The following is a list of clinical characteristics common in those struggling with cervicogenic headaches:

  1. Unilateral (one-sided) head or face pain (rarely is it on both sides).
  2. Pain is localized or stays in one spot, usually the back of the head, frontal, temporal (side) or orbital (eye) regions.
  3. Moderate to severe pain intensity.
  4. Intermittent attacks of pain that last hours to days.
  5. Pain is usually deep, non-throbbing, unless migraines occur at the same time.
  6. Head pain is triggered by neck movement, sustained awkward head postures, applying deep pressure to the base of the skull or upper neck region, and/or taking a deep breath, cough or sneeze can trigger head pain.
  7. Limited neck motion with stiffness.

Infrequently, the cervicogenic headache sufferer can present with migraines at the same time and have both presentations making it more challenging to diagnose.

The cause of cervicogenic headaches can be obvious such as trauma (sports injury, whiplash, slip and fall), or not so obvious, like poor posture. A forward head posture can increase the relative weight applied to the back of the neck and upper back as much as 2x-4x normal. Last month, we discussed the intimate relationship between the upper two cervical vertebra (C1 & C2) and an anatomical connection to the covering of the spinal cord (the dura) as giving rise to cervicogenic headaches. In summary, the upper three nerves innervate the head and any pressure on those upper nerves can result in a cervicogenic headache. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to examine, identify, and treat these types of potentially debilitating headaches.

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives. Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Dr. Mike Savignano is a highly skilled New Port Richey chiropractor dedicated to providing gentle and effective care to patients of all medical backgrounds. He believes that excellent health begins with education and prevention and has made it his mission to enlighten patients to ways they can take greater control over their own health.

Call our office to ask questions or schedule an appointment at: 727-816-9616

If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center 


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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Musicians

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) affects MANY individuals from all walks of life and in many occupations. Today’s discussion centers around CTS among musicians, and most importantly, what can be done about it.

It’s thought that CTS affects musicians because of their rapid, repetitive finger movements. The “formula” for CTS risk includes: Repetition + Speed + Force = CTS. This means highly repetitive movements at a fast pace using forceful movements significantly increase a person’s risk for developing the condition. If we add other risk factors of CTS including, but not limited to, obesity, age over 50, female, the presence of diabetes, arthritis (especially rheumatoid), thyroid disease, and others, then the risk increases dramatically. We can modify certain factors by losing weight, reducing practice time, changing the speed at which we practice (mixing it up between fast vs. slow tempos), taking mini-breaks from practicing, and more. However, we may not be able to change other factors like the presence of diabetes, arthritis, thyroid disease, and other hormonal imbalances. So the question arises, what can chiropractic do for CTS?

Chiropractic management focuses on the goal of treating what causes CTS—which frees up the nerve from being compressed. It is well-established that compression of the median nerve ALONG ITS ENTIRE COURSE from the neck to the hand can create CTS or CTS-like complaints. Therefore, we determine the location(s) of compression by placing pressure over the points of common nerve entrapment, which include the wrist’s carpal tunnel, the forearm near the elbow (pronator tunnel), the inner upper arm near the elbow (Struther’s ligament), the shoulder and the arm pit area (behind the pectoralis minor muscle), as well as under the collar bone, and importantly, between the anterior and medial scalene muscles in the front/side of the neck (frequently missed). Chiropractic treatments may include manual release techniques such as active release technique (ART), myofascial release (MFR), trigger point therapy (TPT), joint manipulation of the wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder, neck and/or home self-applied treatment which includes activity modifications, using a night time splint, and exercises (which your doctor can teach you how to do). Nutritional considerations are also important (see last month’s article)!

Treatment may also include exercises like the Carpal Stretch and the First Rib Stretch. The Carpal Stretch (median nerve flossing) involves standing sideways to a wall with your elbow straight, fingers pointing down with palm against the wall at shoulder height. Feel for the deep stretch in the forearm palm-side muscles. Follow this by bending your head sideways away from the wall. Using your opposite hand, gently pull your head over further sideways (no sharp pain allowed). Hold for up to 30 seconds and repeat two to three times or until you feel it loosen up. This can be repeated multiple times a day. If you don’t have a wall, do the same thing but with the arm extended forwards from the body (rather than sideways). Reach under your hand and gently pull your thumb back feeling for a similar deep stretch through the carpal tunnel (palm side wrist) and forearm. To perform the First Rib Stretch, place a towel over the shoulder close to the neck. Reach behind with the opposite hand and grasp the towel pulling downwards while the other hand grasps the front of the towel also pulling down. Drop your head sideways to the opposite side to increase the stretch. Your doctor of chiropractic can OFTEN help you avoid surgery so PLEASE try these exercises and their treatments BEFORE granting permission for surgery!

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives. Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Dr. Mike Savignano is a highly skilled New Port Richey chiropractor dedicated to providing gentle and effective care to patients of all medical backgrounds. He believes that excellent health begins with education and prevention and has made it his mission to enlighten patients to ways they can take greater control over their own health.

Call our office to ask questions or schedule an appointment at: 727-816-9616

If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center 


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Chiropractic Management of Neck Pain (Part 2)

Last Week, we covered the first two of four primary goals when it comes to the chiropractic management of neck pain (#1 – Pain Management and #2 – Structural realignment). This week, we will conclude this discussion with #3 – Functional Restoration and #4 – Prevention.

3) FUNCTIONAL RESTORATION: Restoring function basically allows the patient to return to their pre-injury activities of daily living, which is the ultimate goal when managing all conditions! In order for this to happen, it is necessary to have the first two goals accomplished, and the primary “tool” that we use to accomplish this goal is exercise training. There are several options to determine which exercise is most needed. A physical performance test can be done, which consists of a series of exercise-like maneuvers that we measure with an instrument that measures degrees (for range of motion), count repetitions (when testing for strength), or count time—usually in seconds (when testing for endurance, balance, and aerobic capacity). We then can compare you to the “norms” that have been published to see if you need help in a particular area. This also establishes a “baseline” or starting point to compare a month later after you’ve performed the proper exercises designed to improve that “failed test.” The three primary goals of exercises include stretching, strengthening, and restoring coordination.

STRETCHING: A very effective exercise is performed by bending the head to the right, reaching over with the right hand, and gently pulling on the head until a good stretch is felt on the left side of the neck. Reaching down with the opposite (left) arm (as if there’s a dollar bill on the ground and you just can’t quite reach it) enhances the stretch. While stretching, tuck in your chin, drop your head forwards and backwards, and turn your head a little from side to side to feel for different tight muscle fibers. Continue this stretch for 10-20 seconds or long enough to feel that you’ve accomplished a good stretch. Then, repeat this on the opposite side. This can be done sitting or standing, and most importantly, do this multiple times a day, especially when you feel tight—like at work, for example. There are other stretches but this actually combines four different exercises into one, so it’s often enough!

STRENGTHENING: Place your hand against the side of your head and push your head into your hand using about 10-20% maximum effort (not much pressure!). First, allow your head “to win” by moving your head further until a tight stretch is felt. Second, let your hand “win” by moving the head to the opposite direction while maintaining pressure against your hand. Allow the head to bend ALL THE WAY to the end-range and repeat three times in each direction.

RESTORING COORDINATION: Motor control, balance, and coordination are further enhanced by balancing on one foot with eyes open AND closed. Stand near a wall to avoid falling!

4. PREVENTION: Keep exercising and eat right! Consider joining a health club, working out with a friend, riding a bike, walking, and/or swimming. You choose!

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives. Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Dr. Mike Savignano is a highly skilled New Port Richey chiropractor dedicated to providing gentle and effective care to patients of all medical backgrounds. He believes that excellent health begins with education and prevention and has made it his mission to enlighten patients to ways they can take greater control over their own health.

Call our office to ask questions or schedule an appointment at: 727-816-9616

If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center 


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Chiropractic Management of Neck Pain (Part 1)

Neck pain is a very common condition that drives many patients to seek chiropractic care. Treatment planning typically includes four primary goals: 1) Pain Management; 2) Structural Realignment; 3) Functional Restoration; and 4) Maintenance / Prevention.

1) PAIN MANAGEMENT: Getting rid of pain is the primary focus of ALL patients in the early stages of a neck injury. If we use the acronym “PRICE” (Protect, Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate), the first three apply when it comes to neck pain. We “protect” our neck by avoiding or changing the way we go about doing things such as our sleep position (this often prompts a “proper pillow discussion”), adjusting the outside rearview mirrors of our car (if you flair the outside mirrors outwards, it opens up the “blind spots” and may prevent a collision, especially if you cannot rotate your neck very far), and modifying other ADLs (activities of daily living).

The bottom line is: if an activity creates a sharp pain sensation, it is a “warning sign” to modify or stop WHATEVER it is that you’re doing. Wearing a cervical collar for a SHORT duration of time can qualify for both “Protect” and “Rest.” Try resting your neck on a pillow when reading or watching TV, as it allows the neck muscles to rest. A cervical traction device can help reduce muscle spasm, improve flexibility (range of motion), and reduce pain. Alternating “Ice” and heat can be even more effective, as it “PUMPS” out inflammation or swelling.

Heat is also a good natural muscle relaxant and ice reduces swelling (inflammation), both of which can help reduce pain. There really is no hard and fast rule as to how long you should continue using ice (days, weeks, or months)—if it helps, use it (unless you are hypersensitive and frostbite easily, in which case limit the ice time). However, heat can worsen a condition if it’s applied too soon or too long. Anti-inflammatory herbs like ginger, turmeric, boswellia, and others are very effective and actually may be BETTER than ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin. Recent studies indicate that there may be a delay in healing when over-the-counter pain medications are used, and the recommendation is to AVOID these drugs so healing won’t be delayed!

2) STRUCTURAL REALIGNMENT: The goal here is to improve (to the best of our ability) faulty bony misalignments that frequently exist in the neck, upper, middle back as well as the low back, as all can contribute to neck pain. This is also a great long-term goal, as it may help PREVENT future episodes of neck pain.

There is a natural process of aging called osteoarthritis that none of us can avoid, but allowing faulty curves and bony misalignments to persist may actually accelerate this degenerative process! Your Chiropractor may have you lie on a tightly rolled up towel (a frozen water bottle often feels even better) placed behind the neck and when it’s comfortable, performing this on the edge of the bed is a great way to re-educate a reversed cervical curve (and, it feels GREAT!). Even a heel lift in the shoe of a short leg can help the neck! Spinal manipulation, manual mobilization techniques, and trained exercises all address this treatment goal quite effectively!

We will continue this conversation next month discussing the third and fourth topics: 3) Functional Restoration; and 4) Maintenance / Prevention, so STAY TUNED!

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives. Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Dr. Mike Savignano is a highly skilled New Port Richey chiropractor dedicated to providing gentle and effective care to patients of all medical backgrounds. He believes that excellent health begins with education and prevention and has made it his mission to enlighten patients to ways they can take greater control over their own health.

Call our office to ask questions or schedule an appointment at: 727-816-9616

If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center 


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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCciDRLiSGIMQkvb1tOycPww

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Groupon: https://www.groupon.com/deals/integrated-medical-center-of-florida

Low Back Pain – What To Do Immediately (Part 1)

Low back pain (LBP) will most likely strike all of us at some point , at least that’s what the statistics indicate. How we “deal with it” initially can be critical to its progression or cessation. Here are some “highlights” of what to do “WHEN” this happens to you.

STOP:  The most important thing you can do is STOP what you are doing—that is, IF you’re “lucky enough” to be pre-warned BEFORE the crisis point of LBP strikes. This step can be critical, as once it hurts “too much,” it may be too late to quickly reverse the process. The “cause” of LBP is often cumulative, meaning it occurs gradually over time, usually from repetitive motion that overloads the region. As stated previously, IF YOU’RE LUCKY, you’ll be warned BEFORE LBP becomes a disabling/preventing activity. Typically, when the tissues in the low back are over-stressed and initially injured, the nerve endings in the injured tissue trigger muscle guarding as a protective mechanism. This reflex “muscle spasm” restricts blood flow resulting in more pain creating a vicious cycle that needs to be STOPPED!

REACT: This is the “hard part” as it requires you to perform something specifically, but once you prove to yourself that this approach really works, you won’t hesitate. You’ll need to determine your “direction preference”, or the position that reduces LBP. Once established, you can perform exercises to help mitigate your back pain. To make this work, you must be able to perform these exercises in public without drawing too much attention so you can feel comfortable doing them at any time at any place.

EXERCISE A: If BENDING FORWARD feels relieving, the exercise of choice is to sit and a) cross one leg over the other, b) pull that knee towards the opposite shoulder, and c) move the knee in various positions so the area of “pull” changes. Work out each tight area by adding an arch to the low back, rotate your trunk towards the side of the flexed knee (sit up tall and twist—if it doesn’t hurt) and alternate between these positions (10-15 seconds at a time) until the stretched area feels “loosened up.” A second exercise is to sit and rotate the trunk until a stretch is felt. Again, alternate between different degrees of low back arching during the twists, feeling for different areas of stretch until it feels looser, usually 5-15 seconds per side. A third exercise is to sit and bend forward, as if to tie a shoe, and hold that position until the tightness “melts away.”

EXERCISE B: If BENDING BACKWARD feels best, exercise options include placing your fists in the small of your back and leaning backward over the fists, or bending backward and holding the position as long as needed to feel relief (usually 5-15 seconds). From a sitting position, try placing a rolled-up towel (make one with a towel rolled tightly like a sleeping bag held with rubber bands) in the small of the back to increase the curve. Lying on your back with the roll and a pillow under the low back can also feel great!

This discussion will be continued in Part 2.

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives. Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Dr. Mike Savignano is a highly skilled New Port Richey chiropractor dedicated to providing gentle and effective care to patients of all medical backgrounds. He believes that excellent health begins with education and prevention and has made it his mission to enlighten patients to ways they can take greater control over their own health.

Call our office to ask questions or schedule an appointment at: 727-816-9616

If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center 


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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome During Pregnancy

While carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is usually characterized as a repetitive stress injury, it can also be caused by pregnancy. In fact, CTS is a common complaint among pregnant women due to an increase in fluid build-up in the tissues, including those in the forearms and wrist. Edema is the technical term for fluid build-up, and it is hard to avoid during pregnancy. This swelling results in increased pressure on the median nerve that originates in the neck, travels through the shoulder, into the arm, through the wrist to innervates the thumb, index, third, and half of the fourth finger. The “usual” initial symptoms include a “half-asleep“ sensation in the fingertips prompting the sufferer to shake and “flick” the fingers in attempt to “…wake them up.” These symptoms (with or without pregnancy) commonly occur at night, as many tend to sleep with wrists in bent positions. When we bend our wrist in any direction, the pressure inside the carpal tunnel will double.

This can happen even more if there is edema or swelling present from the hormonal shift that occurs during pregnancy. This is why chiropractors will frequently fit CTS patients with a “cock up splint,” which is to be used primarily at night, as it often gets in the way during routine daytime activities. However, there may be times when the cock-up splint can be quite beneficial, such as when driving and holding onto the steering wheel. Grip strength may also be affected by CTS, making buttoning shirts and opening jars difficult. CTS may only affect your dominant hand, but it can also affect both. It is less common that CTS only impacts the non-dominant hand. There is an increased likelihood of developing CTS if you had it previously and/or if other family members have had CTS. Also, if you’ve had problems with your neck, back, or shoulder, such as an old whiplash injury, slipped disk in the neck, or broken collar bone, you are also at greater risk of developing CTS. If you were obese before the pregnancy and/or put on too much weight during the pregnancy, this too will increase the risk.

Besides the splint, other forms of care to treat CTS during pregnancy include: 1) EAT A BALANCED DIET. Include small amounts of lean protein (meat, poultry, eggs, beans) with each meal. Reduce the amount of salt, sugar, and fat you eat and drink PLENTY OF WATER! Eat at least five portions of fruit and veggies EVERY DAY! 2) VITAMIN B6. Pyridoxine or B6 has been reported to help CTS sufferers, and it is good for the nervous system. Foods rich in B6 include sunflower and sesame seeds, dark green vegetables (like broccoli), garlic, hazelnuts, lean meat, avocados, and fish (salmon and cod especially). Consider a B6 supplement, but DON’T exceed 150mg/day. 3) MATERNITY BRA. Be sure to wear a good fitting maternity bra with straps that don’t dig into your shoulders and neck. Wear it early on, as this can reduce the weight off your neck, rib cage, and shoulders and can help avoid compression of the median nerve. 4) Herbs such as chamomile tea, ginger, turmeric, and others that fight inflammation can be effective – your doctor can guide you on the dose! 5) Wrist exercises, wrist manipulation/mobilization, traction, and muscle release work can ALL be VERY effective and can be provided by your doctor of chiropractic.

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives. Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Dr. Mike Savignano is a highly skilled New Port Richey chiropractor dedicated to providing gentle and effective care to patients of all medical backgrounds. He believes that excellent health begins with education and prevention and has made it his mission to enlighten patients to ways they can take greater control over their own health.

Call our office to ask questions or schedule an appointment at: 727-816-9616

If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center 


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Chiropractic Care and X-Rays for Low Back Pain

Low back pain (LBP) is the most common complaint for which patients seek chiropractic care. X-rays are a common diagnostic tool utilized by most healthcare providers. Let’s take a look at the role of x-rays and how they are used by both medical practitioners and chiropractors.

X-rays are a form of radiation (similar to light or radio waves) that focuses a beam on a subject such as a person or specific body part. The x-rays mostly pass through softer tissues while hard tissues like teeth and bones do not allow the beam to pass through, which leaves a “white” image on the film. More dense soft tissues, like muscles and organs, will appear as various shades of gray while less dense areas, like the lungs or bowel, will appear black on an x-ray.

Spinal x-rays are basically pictures of the spine that are taken to help the doctor determine a diagnosis as to the cause of the patient’s particular problem. Typically, a patient provides a medical history and the doctor performs a clinical examination to establish a primary diagnosis. When necessary, the doctor may order diagnostic tests like x-ray (or a CT, MRI, bone scan, PET scan, ultrasound, blood tests, tissue biopsy, and so on) in attempt to verify or validate the diagnosis. Spinal x-rays include the bony spine, the disk spaces (between each vertebra – but not the actual disk), and often the pelvis (with or without the hip joints), and extend up to the lower thoracic spine where the lower few ribs are located, depending on the patient’s height. Usually, frontal and side views are taken. Other views may include a “spot” (close up), obliques, or flexion/extension stress views. So, what is your doctor looking for?

The FIRST order of business is to make sure they’re not dealing with something potentially dangerous like fractures, infections, dislocations, tumors/cancer, and so forth. They look for other things like bone spurs (“osteoarthritis”), the disk heights (disks narrow as they degenerate, usually accompanied with bone spurs), joint spaces, bone density, and alignment – like scoliosis. Chiropractors typically take spinal x-rays in a weight-bearing position (standing) while most medical facilities take their x-rays with the patient lying down. The “pro” of a weight bearing x-ray is the ability to measure for things like scoliosis, leg length deficiency (a short leg), and joint space narrowing favoring the standing approach. The “con” of weight-bearing x-ray is something called “movement artifact” or a blurred image. Recumbent films tend to be clearer and more detailed but with less of an ability to accurately take measurements to evaluate things like leg length or the extent of spinal misalignment. Both MD’s and DC’s take scoliosis films standing, but otherwise, MD’s favor laying down x-rays while DC’s favor standing. Regarding the “safety vs. harm” factor of taking an x-ray or not, most guidelines favor waiting if there is no suspicion of pathology (cancer, fracture, infection, etc.) for both professions. However, when a significant biomechanical problem is suspected, especially if a treatment decision is driven by the test’s outcome, it may be appropriate to take x-rays. For example, the use of heel lifts to correct a short leg is also measured on the x-ray. There are also some chiropractic techniques that rely on assessing the bony alignment, which include taking measurements from an x-ray. Patient safety is first and each case must be individually assessed. If you think you may be pregnant, DO NOT LET ANYONE X-RAY YOU!

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives. Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Dr. Mike Savignano is a highly skilled New Port Richey chiropractor dedicated to providing gentle and effective care to patients of all medical backgrounds. He believes that excellent health begins with education and prevention and has made it his mission to enlighten patients to ways they can take greater control over their own health.

Call our office to ask questions or schedule an appointment at: 727-816-9616

If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center 


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Live Longer and Better!

Longevity is important, but longevity with a high quality of life is MORE IMPORTANT! So what can you do to live both longer and better? This month, let’s look at heart disease.

According to the Mayo Clinic, heart disease can be prevented A LOT EASIER than treating it once it’s present! Since heart disease is the leading cause of death in many developed nations, what KEY heart disease prevention steps can we take to reduce our likelihood of heart problems? Here are six heart disease prevention strategies that we have FULL CONTROL over:

1) SMOKING CESSATION: This is one of the most significant risk factors for heart disease prevention. It has been clearly shown that chemicals in tobacco damage the heart and blood vessels and can lead to narrowing of the arteries (“atherosclerosis”), which can result in a heart attack. The GOOD NEWS is that once you quit smoking, your risk of developing heart disease drops almost to that of a nonsmoker in about five years!

2) EXERCISE: Exercise with moderate physical intensity (a brisk walk, for example) for 30 minutes, five to seven days a week. You can even break the 30 minutes into three ten-minute session to get similar health benefits. Gardening, housekeeping, going up and down flights of stairs, and walking the dog are other easy options!

3) DIET: A heart-healthy diet can reduce your risk as well! The Mayo Clinic recommends the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) and the Mediterranean diet as two great options. Simply emphasize fruits, vegetables, and lean meats (especially fish and poultry) and stay away from fast/processed foods (saturated and trans fats are the “bad-guys”).

4) WEIGHT: A Body-Mass-Index (BMI – use a height/weight calculator) of 19-25 is ideal, as a BMI over 25 is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Maintaining a healthy weight improves quality of life SIGNIFICANTLY and reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and reduces the risk of developing diabetes and some cancers.

5) GET QUALITY SLEEP: Sleep deprivation increases an individual’s risk for obesity, high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, and depression. Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Feeling “refreshed” is the goal! Set a schedule and stick to it by getting to bed each night and rising in the morning at similar times.

6) PREVENTION SCREENING: High blood pressure (BP) and poor cholesterol levels can damage your heart and blood vessels, and regular screening can tell you whether you need to take action. Most guidelines recommend screening once every two years if your BP is over 120/80 mmHg. Those with risk factors like obesity and hypertension should get their cholestrol levels checked every five years starting at age 20; otherwise, healthy men should get their cholesterol levels checked every five years starting at age 35 and women at age 45. If you have a family history for any particular diseases or disorders, check with your doctor if screening is available and/or recommended at your current age.

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives. Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Dr. Mike Savignano is a highly skilled New Port Richey chiropractor dedicated to providing gentle and effective care to patients of all medical backgrounds. He believes that excellent health begins with education and prevention and has made it his mission to enlighten patients to ways they can take greater control over their own health.

Call our office to ask questions or schedule an appointment at: 727-816-9616

If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center 


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Groupon: https://www.groupon.com/deals/integrated-medical-center-of-florida

Tension-Type Headaches – Management Strategies

Headaches (HA) can significantly alter a person’s quality of life. Moreover, they can interfere and sometimes even prevent an individual from performing important activities such as going to work, attending school, or participating in group activities such as sports, music programs, holiday gatherings, and more. The focus of this month’s article is on tension-type headaches (TTH), a common “primary headache” with tremendous socioeconomic impact.

Compared with migraine headaches, tension-type headaches are actually more common and can be equally as disabling. A 2014 study reviewing popular treatment approaches for TTH reported that establishing an accurate diagnosis is important prior to beginning treatment and finding “…non-drug management is crucial.” Recommendations regarding treatment also include becoming educated about TTH, obtaining reassurance, and identifying trigger factors that can precipitate a TTH. Psychological treatments with scientifically-proven benefit include relaxation training, EMG biofeedback, and “cognitive-behavioral therapy” (CBT). Physical therapy, chiropractic, and acupuncture are widely used, but further research supporting these approaches is needed. The researchers state “simple analgesics” are the primary drug choice for TTH, but they strongly oppose the use of combination analgesics, triptans, muscle relaxants, and opioids, “….and it is crucial to avoid frequent and excessive use of simple analgesics to prevent the development of medication-overuse headache.” They state that the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline is “drug of first choice” when treating chronic TTH, but they point out side effects can be significant, thus hampering their use. The researchers conclude that the treatment of frequent TTH is often difficult, and multidisciplinary approaches can be helpful. THIS IS WHERE CHIROPRACTIC FITS IN! These researchers state that non-drug approaches as well as medications “…with higher efficacy and fewer side effects [are] urgently needed.” They advise that future studies need to focus on optimizing treatment programs to best suit the individual patient utilizing psychological, physical, and pharmacological-treatment approaches.

So, what can chiropractic bring to the table in this “team” treatment approach? First of all, it is non-drug oriented, the need of which clearly was emphasized in this study. Second, the presence of muscle tension at the base of the skull/top of the neck can be addressed VERY SPECIFICALLY with spinal manipulation of the cervical spine, active release, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, manual cervical traction, and more! Third, the use of NON-PRESCRIPTION nutrients such as ginger, tumeric, boswellia, bromelain, white willow bark, fish oil/omega-3 fatty acids are all non-drug (with fewer potential side effects) options that facilitate in controlling inflammation. Using a home cervical traction device can also be VERY HELPFUL! Specific exercise training aimed at muscle relaxation, stretching, and strengthening (especially the deep neck flexors) can ALL BE MANAGED by a doctor of chiropractic!

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives. Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Dr. Mike Savignano is a highly skilled New Port Richey chiropractor dedicated to providing gentle and effective care to patients of all medical backgrounds. He believes that excellent health begins with education and prevention and has made it his mission to enlighten patients to ways they can take greater control over their own health.

Call our office to ask questions or schedule an appointment at: 727-816-9616

If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center 


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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCciDRLiSGIMQkvb1tOycPww

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/integratedfl/

Groupon: https://www.groupon.com/deals/integrated-medical-center-of-florida

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Neck Pain – The Great Mystery!

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) develops when the median nerve is pinched at the palm-side of the wrist causing numbness in the index, third, and thumb-side half of the ring/fourth finger. Since the median nerve passes through the neck, it’s possible that dysfunction in the neck can interfere with the median nerve, resulting in carpal tunnel syndrome-like symptoms. Sometimes the median nerve can be “pinched” in both the neck and the wrist in what’s known as double crush syndrome.

Though many patients benefit from both surgical and non-surgical CTS treatment approaches, it is not uncommon for the results to fall short of a total resolution of symptoms. In these unsuccessful cases, it’s possible the median nerve is “pinched” at one or more locations other than the area the treatment focused on. In some cases, the hand symptoms and other signs of CTS can improve following treatment to relieve cervical dysfunction. The opposite can also be true with neck pain and related symptoms improving when the carpal tunnel is treated.

The concept of “differential diagnosis” has to do with considering multiple possible causes that can create similar symptoms, and one by one, ruling “in” or “out” each diagnosis by performing various tests with the ultimate goal of coming away with one solid diagnosis. Of course, the problem with this is that there is often more than one diagnosis at play, and in such cases we must determine which one is primary vs. secondary.

Taking our topic this month as an example, a chiropractor may often see cervical spine x-ray findings such as degenerative disk spaces, osteoarthritic spurring, or narrowing of the foramen that the spinal nerves pass through in route to the arm and hand. However, they may not be sure if these findings are “clinically important” or even contribute to a “cervical radiculopathy” or pinched nerve in the neck. It’s possible to see these same x-ray findings in patients with no radiating arm symptoms whatsoever. Similarly, patients with radiating arm / hand complaints may have NONE of these findings! The same holds true with bulging and/or herniated disks in the neck because these may or may NOT cause any radiating symptoms. When a chiropractor is able to reproduce arm and hand symptoms during an examination of the neck that are similar to CTS, this increases the doctor’s suspicion that at least a portion of the hand complaints may be attributed to nerve compression from the neck. When both neck and wrist findings co-exist, tests like EMG (electromyography) and NCV (nerve conduction velocity) can really help in some cases, but in other instances, the degree of nerve loss (the amount of damage) may not be enough to be accurately assessed with such diagnostic tools.

The “bottom line” is that all healthcare practitioners start “conservative” and wait until all approaches have been exhausted prior to recommending surgery. As described in previous articles, there are MANY non-surgical approaches that chiropractors can provide and you owe it to yourself to try these conservative approaches first!

At Integrated Medical Center of Florida, we have an integrated, non-invasive approach that combines regenerative therapies, chiropractic care and holistic services to help people lead healthier, more active lives. Schedule a consultation today to start living your best life!

Dr. Mike Savignano is a highly skilled New Port Richey chiropractor dedicated to providing gentle and effective care to patients of all medical backgrounds. He believes that excellent health begins with education and prevention and has made it his mission to enlighten patients to ways they can take greater control over their own health.

Call our office to ask questions or schedule an appointment at: 727-816-9616

If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center 


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